Top 10 Tips for Millennials To Make Money Outside of Work

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Top 10 Tips for Millennials To Make Money Outside of Work

Millennials want to succeed just as much as any other generation, but the economy has made it difficult for them to do so. As a result, many have had to take on side jobs to make ends meet. This blog post will discuss ten tips for millennials on how to make money outside of work, whether they’re looking for a part-time gig or a full-time career change!


If you’ve got an opinion, experience, or expertise that can help others make a living, you should start blogging. Bloggers typically use platforms like WordPress to build their blogs, on which they write posts about what is relevant to them.

In addition, some bloggers may choose to get sponsored posts from various brands (with disclosure) for money, while some may also sell products. 

Bloggers make money by charging for access to their blog’s content. Prices usually range from $0.99-$39.99 per month, or selling a one-time product like an ebook, video course, anetcIt’s really up to you how much effort you want to put into your blogging business – the sky’s the limit! 

men and women using laptop tips for millennials on how to make money outside of work

A blogger may also get sponsorship from brands that will give them a free product or service to mention on social media channels, which can generate passive income. The more followers you have, the better your chances of being picked up by other advertisers. Brands are looking at bloggers with a big following because it makes sense for their brand reach and engagement rates.

Many bloggers make money from YouTube, too! The platform is excellent for video content creation and monetization of that content. For example, you can enroll in YouTube Partners Program, which will create ads before your videos play to earn revenue. Or try the Google AdSense program, where you’ll receive payment for each click on an ad displayed on your page.

This might not seem like a lot, but if someone clicks 20 times daily (which isn’t hard), it could quickly add up! 

Travel Agent

Travel agents can make $20 an hour or more as a side hustle by booking flights, hotels, and rental cars through their company. They also have access to discounted tickets, provided they secure the visa within a specific time frame for clients. In addition, there are many opportunities for travel agents to work remotely so that you can do this job from anywhere in the world.

So, if this sounds like a good deal, you should become a travel agent to book travel for clients and earn that extra buck.

Content Creator

Creating content is the third best way to make money outside of work. Content creation requires little upfront investment, and you can work from home through various platforms that offer monetization options, such as YouTube or freelance websites like Fiverr. In addition, almost half of adults use social media. Forbes estimates there will be more than 500 million video viewers in 2020, making this an increasingly popular option for those who want to work remotely.  

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As a content creator, you can create text, images, and videos for various platforms and generate income. For example, you can write blog posts about whatever you like or make YouTube videos relevant to your niche.

Social Media Influencer

You need to build an audience and create a social media presence to get started. This will help you decide what platform is best for your niche. You can also ask your friends and family to follow you on the various platforms used by them. So remember to stay active on these channels!

Once you have the right audience, then it’s time to monetize your following. There are many ways to do this, such as affiliate marketing or product placements in posts. For example, you can also sell products on sites like Etsy and eBay.

Advertisers will pay some influencers a specified amount per post if they want them to feature their product. If you’re interested in something like this, read through content agreements carefully before agreeing!

You can try online courses on Udemy on how to earn extra money as a social media influencer.

Closet Organizer

A professional organizer is a person who helps people reduce clutter in their home and office spaces. Whether you are moving or downsizing, they will help you effectively manage your belongings. Either by decluttering, storing, donating, recycling, or selling items no longer needed. You may be able to make some extra cash as a closet organizer if you have the skill set already on hand! 

Closet organizers are in demand for those looking to declutter their closets and free up space. In addition, it’s a great way to earn extra money.

Here is how it works.

Professional organizers charge an hourly or daily fee to come into your home. First, they will assess what you have and remove everything that doesn’t serve your style or work well anymore. Then, they add shelving and drawers (or build new ones) and organize your clothes so they’re easy to find. 

Closet Organizer Tips for Millennials  How To Make Money Outside of Work

This service can range from $100 an hour for organizing alone to more than $1000 per day if carpentry skills are also needed. 

Offer your services through word of mouth from friends with limited storage space looking for someone like you. For example, ask an employer if they need more assistance organizing their possessions outside the office. If not, then offer them advice about how to keep their space clutter-free in the first place! 

Personal Shopper 

Personal shopping is an easy way to make money in your spare time. All you need are some basic skills and a smartphone! Some personal shoppers get paid on commission, while others earn hourly wages.

If this sounds like something that interests you, there are many sites online where people list their services for hire. You can also post your profile with information about the specific types of items you’re good at purchasing. Easy making money online.


Tutoring is an excellent way how to make money outside of work. You can tutor people in your area on math, English, and computer skills. Tutoring may be for you if you have an educational background in any subject! As long as there are students who need help with these topics, this opportunity will never go away or run out of work for you to do.

If you have skills in a specific area, such as the arts or sciences, and enjoy teaching others about it, tutoring might be your next career. For example, you could teach younger kids at home to help them with homework assignments. 

Or, if you’re knowledgeable enough, try teaching high-level courses like algebra or calculus through an online service like There are many benefits to becoming a tutor, one being that no qualifications are necessary if you have the knowledge required.

Many companies also provide tuition reimbursement programs, allowing employees to get paid while they return to school. If this interests you at all, it is worth checking into.

Freelance Writer

Freelance writing is another way how to make money outside of work. Freelancers or virtual assistants can work on their schedules, set their rates, and keep all the profits!

– Find clients through your network or online platforms like Upwork 

– Set up payment terms with each client, including deadlines and milestones 

– Create good contracts for yourself that detail what you are doing as well as any expectations they may have (e.g., an article of at least 500 words) 

– Keep track of every working hour using Trello, Basecamp, or another time-tracking app, so the client knows their bill. Clock in and out at the start and end of each task with this timer app if you need to

– Send invoices and keep track of your receivables with this budgeting app 

– Once you have received payment, send a receipt via email or text to verify the transaction on their end.

Freelance writing is not for everyone, but it’s something that every millennial should consider if they want to know how to make money outside of work. Remember: freelancers don’t always write articles! Instead, they may be ghostwriting someone else’s report, editing/proofreading, copyediting, or rewriting content in other languages.

There are also opportunities like reviewing apps that pay $50 per hour (or more) through companies like App Reviewer Pro. Plus, there are even opportunities available as editors for magazines like Glossier!


Being a photographer is a great way to make money, no matter where you are. You can take pictures of parties and events or scenic views for travel photos. It’s also an excellent side business that pays well if the quality of your work is high enough to charge higher rates outside of “stock” photography sites like Shutterstock.

If you’re into more creative pursuits, being a freelance graphic designer or illustrator might also be up your alley! There’s room for artistic types in some fields, such as animation and video editing.  Additionally, you might find that once you prove your skills to a company, you will be hired long-term.

Life Coach

If you are a millennial at a loss with what to do next, this might be the perfect opportunity for you to invest some time and money into becoming a life coach. This profession has risen over the last decade due to an increasingly competitive job market.

Coaching is teaching others how to achieve their goals. You will give them the tools they need, such as resume templates, tutorial videos on landing interviews and developing social media profiles.

You can start by offering coaching services through one of many websites like, enabling people from anywhere in the world to schedule an online video chat with you.


So there you have it! You’ve learned the top ten tips for millennials on how to make money outside of work. Remember, be creative and resourceful in your efforts to start making some extra income on your side jobs. 

Top 10 Tips for Millennials To Make Money Outside of Work

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